Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finally a chance to post here...

This post is bought to you by the washing machine repairman, that give me time to work on this as he fixes our washer.

Well we are having a very busy and fun spring, due to the great weather we started seeding a few weeks earlier then normal which now has the pumpkins looking great. Sure we had two nights of frost scares( a few sections where affected but we were lucky). we have been busy with the restored G tractor, and i have quickly fallen in love with what a good job it does do. The addition of the tiller for the tractor last year has our fields looking really good for this time of year.

We been busy playing soccer and mountain biking, and as sad as the kids are that they are over for the year, Melody and I are smiling ear to ear at having our weekends and weeknights back.

June has mastered her mountain bike and really found the joy of puddles and mud.

She has also found a peaceful place on the large tree melody found.

And of course with this amazing weather we have to have a few water gun days

We are pretty sure Buttercup is pregent,but now i am starting to question if she is just getting fat. Still not totally sure.

We have been getting in some hikes in our spare time, we enjoyed the nicest day at pine point rapids.

The rest of the time we are just hanging around.....

We our washer is fixed, time to get back to work.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Pictures say so much more....

Our new Drift wood..... It took two tow trucks and a bob cat to recover it from the river bank, only to discover it was even heavier then we though as our tractor can't move it to were we planned to put it. We planned to cut the long piece in two, but i am hoping our neighbour will move the other piece for us.
Getting ready to make magic.....
Moving half of it to the back yard.....
The start of our new fire pit seating...
Sabina has a new bike......
Junes bike is all put together and ready, but she is still having a little trouble getting the hang of it.
Autumn also got a new bike for her 13th birthday, but everyone ate it on her.....
June turned 7....
We had a great easter with our first outdoor easter egg hunt in years......

The G is back now, rebuilt and ready to prove itself......

We are ready to start seeding any day as it looks like the weather is warming up again this week. I am sure there are many things i am forgetting about but it's hard when you only post every two months.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Everything is new again...

We are seeing everything come back together. Junes bike is starting to become a bike again, we did our first test ride - sure we had no pedals or brakes but she steered clear of everything.

The G is coming back together, stopped in yesterday to see how it looked and was surprised to see it coming back together and ready to be fired up for the first time. It was done up with some white colour accents on the wheels, seat and hydraulics and is looking pretty sharp.

The key switch and gauges have been moved in view as you drive now, instead of having everything on the back like they originally came.

We enjoyed a nice valentines day dinner and then I was off to enjoy of night of bike mechanics course, really the perfect valentines day for a guy.

We have been learning the tricks to growing wheat grass as well, and there is lots of room for improvement

We are finishing up our seed orders and planning a hike to enjoy some of this amazing weather we are having.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Getting ready

Well the rebuilding of the G is coming along, I stopped in to check the progress, it is all sandblasted and waiting for the crank to return from the machine shop and parts that have been order to show up. I am getting excited about how it will work for us this year, think i have watch every you tube video about them. We are starting to get ready with our seed orders, and are very excited about some new items we are finding.

I am taking a bike mechanics course once a week, with is turning out to be very cool. ( but i know its going to cost me more in the long run)

Hope all is well with you.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where is winter???

A new year, and all the new hopes that come with it. We had a great holiday season with friends and family and just enjoy snow to make it feel like christmas.

But now with the weather above freezing everyday its looking closer to spring then the middle of winter. I mean don't get me wrong i love this weather, but the farmer in me wants some freezing cold weather to help kill off the infestation of weird caterpillars we had last fall and the kid in me loves watching a 20" cm snow fall. Something we have neither off this year.

We all have big goals for the year. Mel and I are both set the world famous new years goal to lose weight, she has her reasons but my main reason is to be able to mountain bike race again. The biggest motivation coming from june wanting to start mountain biking this year and will race if i do it to. Plus when you are pumpkins farmers they don't get any lighter as we get older.

I was able to have the skating rink we made this year ready for christmas day, but its been so warm it turns into water during the day. Even had to wash the dirt off it after the winds the other day.

Hope you are having a great year so far.....


Thursday, December 8, 2011

This the season....

Well we are in full christmas countdown, the shopping list is getting shorter each week and the house and yard are decorated for the season.

We got the christmas tree simulator all set up and decorated.

We went for breakfast with santa, this is something that hasn't happened the last two years in the local town so it was nice to see it back on.

Then headed home to build our gingerbread house and watch some christmas movies and enjoy some popcorn.

The second week of november I attended a conference from one of the seed companies we buy from, aside from begin very educational it left me extra motivated for spring to arrive with the excitement of many new things we want to try.

After how hard we had to work weeding this summer we have spent many hours reviewing our weeding plans. In the fall we found a great tiller on kijiji, it has left our fields nicer then we have ever been able to get them with the plow and harrows, so planting in spring looks very promising already. We have also just hauled in our old G to the local tractor Doctor for a heart transplant and some cosmetic work. It will allow us to get closer to the plants in our tractor work and there a few attachment ideas for it like basket weeders and finger pickers that i would be interested in trying out to see how they perform in the pumpkins.

Our cats are so far enjoying there first winter with us, we built them this insulated house complete with therosat and a heat lamp.

Till next time...


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Two months in ten minutes.

Well it november, and life is starting to get back to normal. ( as normal as things ever get around here). We had a great fall season, so many laughs with such great customers. Really makes it a joy.

We added some new items to the stand this year. Like our How Tall This Fall Growth Chart.

Also added our new black cat.

Melody came up with some awesome carvings.

We had many familys taking pictures.

And one of the highlights for me was June mastered riding on two wheels!!!!

As every year, we had to carve our pumpkins late the night before halloween. But we had a great time and they turned out great. The kids always having a hard time picking their pumpkin, even when they think they have found the perfect pumpkin another always makes them reconsider.

Everyone was excited to cut in to them...

Some people where more excited to get in them...

Even Mel's brother couldn't resist the carving fun.

Melody got her day at grand forks to get clearance Halloween items. We had to pull her kicking and crying from the stores as she screamed just two more things PLEASEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

We had the fall clean up fire and party, with the risk on rain in the forecast some people wimped out of attending, but for the ones that did we had a great time and some awesome fireworks by a huge warm toasty fire.

Usually pumpkin talk ends for a few weeks this time of year, but it hasn't yet. And with seed catalogues showing up next week i am sure pumpkins will be a regular topics all year.

We have many new ideas planned for next year. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the pumpkin patch again.